Artocène festival
On the iconic site of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, the Artocène festival brings together architecture and contemporary art to create a dialogue with the alpine landscape, symbol of a fragile and moving nature.
The festival takes the form of an exhibition itinerary through the city. The exhibitions are an opportunity to discover works by international artists, established or emerging, as well as ephemeral architectures. The theme is approached through a 'contemporary art' angle and through an 'architecture' angle, the two being sometimes juxtaposed.
Etymologically Artocène would refer to ‘the age of art’. It intends to offer a counterpoint to the term ‘Anthropocene’, defining the new geological era in which we have entered, caused by human activity. The festival aims to show how art and culture can make our contemporaries aware of the environmental issues that we encounter, but also suggest alternatives. The term Artocène also alludes to the idea of sharing around art – cène meaning supper, in order to connect with local, regional and international communities
The 2021 edition was entitled Inner Forest, and the 2022 edition is Glaciers, fluidity of time.
Glaciers and
the fluidity of time
At the foot of Mont-Blanc in the Chamonix valley are seven major glaciers. This grandiose setting resonates with the theme of the second edition of Artocène : Glaciers and the fluidity of time, running from June 18 to July 17 2022.
The glaciers will be the central theme of this second edition. Bridging the gap between Earth and sky, these ice giants shape the surface of the planet and bear witness to its evolution. Appearing motionless, long considered as ‘inert nature’, they are in reality versatile and, potentially, transient. Preserving the glaciers is a priority, and exploring the subject in Chamonix is particularly relevant.
For the 2022 edition, Glaciologist Luc Moreau has been appointed scientific advisor
—Laurène Maréchal, founder director
—Ludivine Ciurariu, coordinator
—Laurène Maréchal,
—Laetitia de Chocqueuse,
—Garance Chabert
Scientific Advisor
—Luc Moreau, Glaciologist
—Les formes associées
Technician :
—Steven Thompson
Graphic Design:
—Shortnotice studio
—Kim Gervais, Pauline Poënsin, Capucine Galland
Aturaua association
Aturaua is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to contemporary art and architecture on the territory of the Arve river, in Haute Savoie, France.
Advisory Board
President :
—Martin Devictor,
founder and CEO at Mont-Blanc Collection
Vice-president :
—Perrine Bettin,
food designer
Treasurer :
—Pierre Poënsin,
Secretary :
—Aline Mironneau,
director and designer, Hors-Pistes design
Honorary Members
—Garance Chabert,
director at Villa du Parc (Annemasse)
—Emma Legrand,
director at Archipel art contemporain (Saint-Gervais)
—Juliette Martinez,
head of culture (Chamonix)
—Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger,
honorary president at Taittinger group
Mécènes et partenaires
—DRAC Auvergne
—Région Auvergne
Haute Savoie
—Ville de Chamonix
—Office du Tourisme
de Chamonix
du Mont-Blanc
—Maison Taittinger
—Caisse d’Epargne Rhône-Alpes
—Grosset Janin
—Mont-Blanc Collection
—Refuge du Montenvers
—Assas hotels
—Payot Pertin
Institutional partners
—Villa du Parc, centre d'art d'intérêt national
—Médiathèque de Chamonix
—Réseau Altitudes, réseau d'art contemporain
—GNI 74
—In Extenso
—Electro Concept
Support us
We need you: support the festival here
—[CH] La Tribune de Genève
“Laurène Maréchal amène l’art au Coeur de Chamonix” Andrea Machalova
—[DE] Arts of the working class
“Review of Artocène Chamonix: Rerouting our being in the world, as proposed by a remote festival in the French Alps.” María Inés Plaza Lazo
—[FR] Les Echos
“Avec le festival Artocène Chamonix met de l’art dans les vallées alpines” Gabrielle Serraz
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“Avec Artocène, l’art et l’architecture à l’honneur” Claire Amblard
—[FR] Le Faucigny
“Chamonix : l’art et l’environnement cohabitent” Christian Charlemagne
—[IT] Artribune
“Vacanze in montagna? Le mostre dell’estate 2021 nel Nord Italia” Claudia Giraud
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“À Chamonix, Artocène met l’art, l’architecture et l’environnement sur le devant de la scène” Claire Amblard
—[CH] Fykmag
“Artocène: la première édition du festival réu- nit de jeunes artistes et architectes interna- tionaux autour du thème de la forêt onirique” Françoyse Krier
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“A l’origine d’Artocène se trouve Laurène Maréchal” Claire Amblard
—[FR] L’art de vivre à la montagne
“Artocène: le nouveau festival de Chamonix conjugue art, architecture et environnement” Marie-Christine Hugonnot
—[DE] Arts of the working class x Berlin Questions 2021
“METROPOLIS: THE NEW NOW - Answers from Chamonix-Mont-Blanc and Yogyakarta”
—[FR] Globule radio : Rencard avec Laurène Maréchal et Frederike Thonon du festival Artocène
—[FR] Globule radio : Mon choix pour vous, le festival Artocène
Artocène festival
On the iconic site of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, the Artocène festival brings together architecture and contemporary art to create a dialogue with the alpine landscape, symbol of a fragile and moving nature.
The festival takes the form of an exhibition itinerary through the city. The exhibitions are an opportunity to discover works by international artists, established or emerging, as well as ephemeral architectures. The theme is approached through a 'contemporary art' angle and through an 'architecture' angle, the two being sometimes juxtaposed.
Etymologically Artocène would refer to ‘the age of art’. It intends to offer a counterpoint to the term ‘Anthropocene’, defining the new geological era in which we have entered, caused by human activity. The festival aims to show how art and culture can make our contemporaries aware of the environmental issues that we encounter, but also suggest alternatives. The term Artocène also alludes to the idea of sharing around art – cène meaning supper, in order to connect with local, regional and international communities
The 2021 edition was entitled Inner Forest, and the 2022 edition is Glaciers, fluidity of time.
Glaciers and
the fluidity of time
At the foot of Mont-Blanc in the Chamonix valley are seven major glaciers. This grandiose setting resonates with the theme of the second edition of Artocène : Glaciers and the fluidity of time, running from June 18 to July 17 2022.
The glaciers will be the central theme of this second edition. Bridging the gap between Earth and sky, these ice giants shape the surface of the planet and bear witness to its evolution. Appearing motionless, long considered as ‘inert nature’, they are in reality versatile and, potentially, transient. Preserving the glaciers is a priority, and exploring the subject in Chamonix is particularly relevant.
For the 2022 edition, Glaciologist Luc Moreau has been appointed scientific advisor
—Laurène Maréchal, founder director
—Ludivine Ciurariu, coordinator
—Laurène Maréchal,
—Laetitia de Chocqueuse,
—Garance Chabert
Scientific Advisor
—Luc Moreau, Glaciologist
—Les formes associées
Technician :
—Steven Thompson
Graphic Design:
—Shortnotice studio
—Kim Gervais, Pauline Poënsin, Capucine Galland
Aturaua association
Aturaua is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to contemporary art and architecture on the territory of the Arve river, in Haute Savoie, France.
Advisory Board
President :
—Martin Devictor,
founder and CEO at Mont-Blanc Collection
Vice-president :
—Perrine Bettin,
food designer
Treasurer :
—Pierre Poënsin,
Secretary :
—Aline Mironneau,
director and designer, Hors-Pistes design
Honorary Members
—Garance Chabert,
director at Villa du Parc (Annemasse)
—Emma Legrand,
director at Archipel art contemporain (Saint-Gervais)
—Juliette Martinez,
head of culture (Chamonix)
—Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger,
honorary president at Taittinger group
Mécènes et partenaires
Support us
We need you: support the festival here
—[CH] La Tribune de Genève
“Laurène Maréchal amène l’art au Coeur de Chamonix” Andrea Machalova
—[DE] Arts of the working class
“Review of Artocène Chamonix: Rerouting our being in the world, as proposed by a remote festival in the French Alps.” María Inés Plaza Lazo
—[FR] Les Echos
“Avec le festival Artocène Chamonix met de l’art dans les vallées alpines” Gabrielle Serraz
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“Avec Artocène, l’art et l’architecture à l’honneur” Claire Amblard
—[FR] Le Faucigny
“Chamonix : l’art et l’environnement cohabitent” Christian Charlemagne
—[IT] Artribune
“Vacanze in montagna? Le mostre dell’estate 2021 nel Nord Italia” Claudia Giraud
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“À Chamonix, Artocène met l’art, l’architecture et l’environnement sur le devant de la scène” Claire Amblard
—[CH] Fykmag
“Artocène: la première édition du festival réu- nit de jeunes artistes et architectes interna- tionaux autour du thème de la forêt onirique” Françoyse Krier
—[FR] Le Dauphiné
“A l’origine d’Artocène se trouve Laurène Maréchal” Claire Amblard
—[FR] L’art de vivre à la montagne
“Artocène: le nouveau festival de Chamonix conjugue art, architecture et environnement” Marie-Christine Hugonnot
—[DE] Arts of the working class x Berlin Questions 2021
“METROPOLIS: THE NEW NOW - Answers from Chamonix-Mont-Blanc and Yogyakarta”
—[FR] Globule radio : Rencard avec Laurène Maréchal et Frederike Thonon du festival Artocène
—[FR] Globule radio : Mon choix pour vous, le festival Artocène